Justo O. Ochung'


  1. My-first-webpage
  2. The project involved creating my-first-webpage as an introductory course to programming at Moringa School. I used the following tools;

    • Terminal Command
    • HTML
    • Git & GitHub

  3. Pet-Project
  4. In this project, I managed to write about my favorite dog, ADAM and published his information on a webpage.

    This was an awesome experience

    In this project, i used the following tools

    • HMTL
    • CSS
    • Git & GitHub

About Me

  • Education
    1. M.sc. Molecular Medicine (JKUAT-2018-20)
    2. B.sc. Biochemistry (Kenyatta University-2010-14)

  • Experience
    1. USAMRU-K-Intern (2013-14)
    2. KEMRI-Graduate Fellow (2017-18)

    My Favorite book

    My favorite book

    Why Coding School?

    My life ambition is to become a Bioinformatics Scholar, I already have a strong Molecular Biology background

    The aim is to enrol for a PhD course in Bioinformatics from 2021

    Interests and Skills